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ParaJump v2.6

Jump out of a C-130 and land in a field. Requires Java SE 1.5 runtime. Download from if you don't have it.

Click here to download the game in Zip format. Unzip the game on your system and open (cd to) the folder/directory it's in. Read the file README.TXT for instructions on playing.

You can also play the game in your browser: Click here to run the game as an Applet

ParaJump is web startable. Click here to Web Start ParaJump

How to play

The game is simple, yet fun. It's free, if you like it please give it to your friends.

Release history

7/19/2005 - v1 - initial release
7/21/2005 - v2 - added wind, more realistic movement when jumping, sound
7/22/2005 - v2.1 - added moving text, perfect landings, 3x perfect landings is free man... I'm done for a while I think.
7/24/2005 - v2.2 - Added bonus round... I'm really done now. :)
7/25/2005 - v2.3 - Fixed bug when leaving screen on left or right side. Toned down the flying text a bit.
7/26/2005 - v2.4 - Changed text more, made "start instructions" better, fixed bug when C-130 left the screen.
7/27/2005 - v2.5 - Changed text even more so screens look better. Started using GAGE timer for smoother animation on some systems.
8/5/2005 - v2.6 - New challenge level, changed intro screen and music

Legal stuff and Credits

ParaJump is Copyright © John Wagner 2005. All Rights Reserved.

ParaJump was written in Java 1.5 and uses the Golden T Studios excellent game frameworks called GTGE. You can get more information on GTGE here: Golden T Studios.

The A HUGE Thank You to Paulus Tuerah, the Author of GTGE for his numerous suggestions for improving the game.

Using the GAGE timer from

Jumper graphics are from a PD source, the C-130 is PD as well. The picture of the field actually has two deer in it, I took it while scouting one day.